Monday, June 26, 2017

Summer Vacation PowerPoint

In my spare time...

As if I didn't have enough on my plate I also own a cupcake business that I run out of house part-time.  Here are a few of my creations over the past years.  Hope you enjoy!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Makes It All Worth It

To know you are appreciated is the best feeling!  After a long school year at work coming home to this makes it worth it!! It doesn't have to be two dozen of roses but a simple "thank you" goes a long way so remember this 😀

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What To Do With Your 2 hrs a Week....

Summer is finally here so for some of us that means we get a break too.  I always enjoy a few good reads in the summer because seems like it's the only time I get to do that, seeing how I only get 2 hrs to myself per week ha ha ha.  So here are a few of my recommendations for a good summer read:

"Fly Me" by Daniel Riley

Nine Women, One Dress” by Jane L. Rosen
First Comes Love” by Emily Giffin

Truly, Madly, Guilty” by Liane Moriarty

Happy Summer Reading!!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Yes, that is my desk! I know it looks messy, but that is how my life is right now.  My job at a local school is going on summer break soon, so that means "summer break" gifts, homework for the upcoming week from my online college classes, daily things to do (I love lists and post-it notes), oh and I own a cupcake business, so I have upcoming graduation orders coming up as well....yes my plate is full this week.

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Welcome to my blog about the day and life of a working mother (that would be me).  I recently came across a study showing an average woman's life broken down into hours per week, 36 hrs per week at work, 17 hours per week housework, 14 hours per week taking care of the kids, and 2 hours per week on herself. WOW!! Now I know why I am so exhausted when the weekends come around.  I hope to exchange stories, tips and just show support to one another on my blog because sometimes that's all we need is just to know that we are not alone and that everything we do is worth it in the end!